Premium Jane CBD Review (2025) Here’s What We Found Out..

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Premium Jane CBD Review

Premium Jane CBD wants to help you relax, refresh, and revive with their premium CBD oils.

Read our review to see if they can deliver on that goal!

Who Are Premium Jane CBD?

  • The company was launched in 2018 with a mission to provide the best CBD products and help educate and engage with the community on its natural beneficial properties.
  • While Premium Jane CBD is based in Arizona, they source their organic industrial hemp from Kentucky farms and use third-party lab reports to verify purity and quality.

While many of their competitors gradually quit social media, Premium Jane CBD maintains an active presence on Facebook and Instagram, with daily posts on both platforms.

You can contact them via:

US customers enjoy free shipping on all products regardless of order total.

What Products Does Premium Jane CBD Sell?

While Premium Jane CBD focuses primarily on offering a wide range of CBD oil tinctures, they have multiple categories:

  • CBD Oil
  • CBD Capsules
  • CBD Edibles
  • CBD Topicals
  • CBD for Pets

Let’s take a quick look at them in more detail!


Although there are a few different options to choose from in this category, they’re all effectively the same product in different flavors: Citrus, Mint, Natural, Mint Chocolate, and Lemon & Lime.

Premium Jane CBD Oil
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Premium Jane CBD Oil 3
Premium Jane Chocolate Mint CBD Oil

However, they aren’t all available in the same potencies.

The first 4 flavors all come in the same 3 strengths, ranging from 300mg to 1,000mg total Full Spectrum CBD. Depending on which potency you choose, prices range from $48.00 to $124.00 per 30ml dropper bottle.

Mark says the Citrus flavor is “bright” and powerful, while an unnamed user says it’s more subtle than they were expecting.

Alma is the only one who mentions its effectiveness, but also wishes it came with clear instructions so she could be sure she’s using it correctly:

Premium Jane CBD Oil Customer Reviews

For the Mint flavor, customers are equally divided.

Andy says it’s smooth and enjoyable, while Nora says there’s something about it that just doesn’t work for her. And Alan says the natural flavor of the CBD oil comes through a lot stronger than the mint:

Premium Jane CBD Oil Customer Reviews 2

Speaking of the natural CBD flavor, Tyra says it has a surprisingly simple taste and Premium Jane CBD doesn’t make outlandish claims on the packaging – the oil does exactly what it says.

Laura takes the middle road by saying it’s not exactly amazing, but she also doesn’t have anything to complain about, while Roberta testifies to the fact the natural ingredients used definitely shine through in the smooth taste:

Premium Jane CBD Oil Customer Reviews 3

As for the Mint Chocolate flavor, a customer only identified as Mr says it’s a fun combination that makes using the CBD oil feel like less of a chore.

Harry and Mark are more concerned with how great it is to have different strength options available, as it helps them ensure they get the best, most consistent results:

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Premium Jane Premium CBD Oil

If you do need a stronger dose than what the other flavors offer, the Lemon & Lime oil comes in 3,000mg and 5,000mg options. And unlike the other flavors, which all appear to be Full Spectrum, this one is made using Broad Spectrum CBD.

Due to the higher potency, the price range is also higher: $199.00 and $275.00.

Gillie merely mentions enjoying having different flavors to choose from and doesn’t seem to notice the much higher dosage that comes with the Lemon & Lime flavor.

But Kimberly and R. Bush both say they’re impressed with what it has to offer:

Premium Jane Premium CBD Oil Customer Reviews

CBD Capsules

Premium Jane CBD Capsules

Premium Jane CBD also offers their softgel capsules in 2 strengths: 25mg and 40mg Full Spectrum CBD per capsule. A bottle of 30 capsules costs $75 each, regardless of potency.

J.A., Carole, and Brooke all agree they’re easy to use and exactly what they were looking for in terms of convenience, information, and effect:

Premium Jane CBD Capsules Customer Reviews

CBD Edibles

Premium Jane CBD Edibles

These CBD gummies come in 3 different flavors: Strawberry, Lime, and a bottle with Assorted Flavors.

The latter is only available in a bottle of 30 gummies for $55, while the Strawberry and Lime come in bottles of 60 for $90 each.

All flavors have 25mg Full Spectrum CBD per gummy.

Lana, Anthony, and Roberto all seem focused primarily on the fact the gummies are Vegan, with Roberto in particular mentioning he feels the price is higher than they would be if they weren’t vegan.

Anthony is just glad to have found a vegan option, while Lana reckons it means “they aren’t real gummies,” but still good for what they are:

Premium Jane CBD Edibles Customer Reviews

CBD Topicals

Premium Jane CBD Topicals

There are a whopping 8 CBD topical products to choose from: Topical Salve, Rejuvenation Cream, Facial Day Cream, Creamy Charcoal Facial Cleanser, Facial Night Cream, Oil Control Facial Cleanser, Facial Scrub, and Bath Bombs.

Depending on the product you’re interested in, prices range from $10.99 to $125.00.

The Topical Salve seems to be the most popular option. Josh says it’s one of the better creams he’s ever used, though wishes there were more options so he wasn’t stuck using the same cream every day.

Sean, on the other hand, says he’s very happy having it as part of his daily skin routine, while PJ says the only problem is it becomes very pricey using it as often as they do:

Premium Jane CBD Topicals Customer Reviews

CBD for Pets

Premium Jane CBD For Pets

Like most CBD companies that bother with a CBD for Pets category, Premium Jane CBD focuses exclusively on dogs by offering CBD Dog Treats and Dog CBD Drops.

Prices are $15.99 and $34.99 respectively.

Sam and Hayden both say their dogs seem to enjoy the treats and using them has made training their furry companions much easier.

George, on the other hand, says they’re merely “okay” and his pooch doesn’t seem to enjoy them very much – though he still gave them 4 stars:

Premium Jane CBD For Pets Customer Reviews

Premium Jane CBD Reviews – What Are People Saying?

Seeing what customers say about the products they’re using via the product page is always great. However, we also like to look elsewhere, just in case a company is removing negative reviews.

There’s always the same risk when it comes to customer reviews on a company’s Facebook page. So we were happy to find over 800 verified customers reviews elsewhere online, giving the company an overall user-rating of 4.4/5 stars.

Julie’s had the unfortunate experience of not receiving her order at all, leaving her very disappointed. It was also her first time ordering, so she’s walking away with a bad first impression:

Premium Jane CBD Customer Review

Mary did receive her order… but says she didn’t experience any pain relief and there was no difference in her anxiety levels either:

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For the most part, though, reviews are overwhelmingly positive.

Charles, for example, says the gummies help him feel more calm and relaxed while playing golf – so much so that he’s found himself looking for a new excuse for his playing!

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Martha says it’s been a “miracle drug,” helping make a strange buzzing sound in her head almost completely disappear:

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Amy says she found the ordering process to be quick and easy, and she received her order within a few days.

She finds the capsules work better than anything else for lessening her MS muscle spasticity:

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Len works very long hours 6 days a week, which leaves him feeling all sorts of aches and pains when he wakes up in the morning.

After just a week of using the CBD oil, though, he’s feeling great:

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Meanwhile, Janet uses several Premium Jane CBD products.

She find the Citrus CBD Oil helps her relax at night and sleep better, while the Cocoa Butter Balm helps alleviate the end stage arthritis in her ankle:

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Overall, the reviews for Premium Jane are very good and they have a nice selection of 3rd party tested CBD products so we would definitely recommend checking them out!

But don’t forget to take a look at our list of the best CBD products here first.

And if you’ve tried any of the Premium Jane CBD products then please leave your review below!

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